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Dujardin Didier
10. Okt. 2020
In Einsteigerfragen + FAQ
Hi, I'm new to this forum and not sure if it usefull to ask questions in English but I will see if I get answers ;-) I want to start with OpenScan so I printed the needed parts. Then I wanted to buy the needed electronic components from the shop on the OpenScan website but first I had some questions so I posted those with the contact form (twice already) . But i never got some answer/reaction. So I'm wondering, is there someone that follows the send contact forms and answers the questions posted in there? What are the experience of you (forum community) with buying items from the shop? Because if i do not get reaction on contact forms I wonder .... For the rest I would like to know what is the best set to be used for this scanner?: Arduino or Rasberry Pi? The Pi costs more but maybe it has some more possibilities or is stabeler that the Arduino set. Can you tell me the pros/cons of both sets I intent to use the scanner with a canon DSLR camera. Do I need some extra components for this? remote control? I intent to by the complete Arduino or Pi set but I see that the Pi set doesn't contain the LCD (or am I wrong here) What er the other differences between the Arduino set and the PI set and do i need those to start working with such a scanner? thanks for helping me to start with this nice project. regards Didier

Dujardin Didier

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